Run: Easy Previous Next


5:00 PM

4 mi


8:57 mi


167.8 lb


34 F


After a bit of winter lag in my running, making the most of this bright, mild afternoon is a great experience, even though I am somewhat more winded as the run wraps up than expected. What I am noticing, however (aside from whispers from my old friend Gustav) is that as "casual" as I try to keep my pace today I still find myself finishing with sub-9-minute miles, and this is highly cool - Is this a "new norm" for me, and if so, can I continue to gradually push it downward, or is this more a reflection of form efficiency? Either way, I'm highly stoked, and now looking forward even more to getting a better running rhythm going that hopefully will see improvements continue...

And, worth noting, tonight also brings the arrival of my new Saucony Kinvaras in the mail - Even though I've no intentions of running in them, they'll be fantastic everyday/work shoes. They fit far better than expected and finally bring this long-standing on-line shoe-buying experience to a close (although I hadn't expected them to actually be Vizi-Pro - I may well pick up another pair of regular whites from Kelley's Pace to give some balance...)
