Run: Easy Previous Next


8:30 AM

4.1 mi


9:58 mi


163.5 lb


60 F


A truly great solo run on an utterly gorgeous morning, especially as the festivities of Mel and Der's wedding are coming up fast this afternoon, and re-learning the lessons from my first rounds of training seem happily to be coming back to me a huge lot faster than before. Again, pace is the trick (as Interpol well said) and relaxing into a nicely comfortable cadence today keeps me breathing easily and with only the barest minimal fatigue throughout the run - In fact, at run's end, what I assumed was going to be an especially slow time for me still turned out to be sub-10-minute miles and on par with or better than many of the faster, unchecked outings I've tried to muscle my way through. Pleased and thankful...

As an aside, I'm also slightly rethinking my training - My intention has been to run these runs as though my October Half-Marathon will be done in the V5F's, but now I'm wondering if alternating BOTH shod and BF may indeed get me the accrued trained miles yet still leave me the option for either when race day comes. We'll see how the weeks progress, but it definitely strikes me cool to have this re-boot to play with for my training and preparatory stylings, as well as for how philosophically I feel moved...

AND, thanks for more road apparel...!
