Run: Hill Previous Next


9:45 AM

4.7 mi


10:24 mi




168.7 lb


75 F
  • Map


* Includes 3 minutes walked: 1 @ the top of Palmer St. hill + 1 @ Yardney + 1 @ Mile House

With my 3-week lay-off now in full swing, it's nice to have the opportunity to run more (and as the healing of my foot has taken well,) and picking up my check from Mastro today seems a great excuse to get out and go. My conditioning has definitely fallen off in the 8 weeks I've been down, and reclaiming that level of stamina feels like a grand focus as I'm back out on the roads - Undertaking the Palmer St. hill today definitely puts that to the test, but I'm thrilled just to be able to reach Mayflower Ave. and almost the top of the hill under fairly full steam... A decided success of today is remembering some of the lessons I'd learned along the way before, especially in dealing with speed and the wisdom of slowing down my default pace, even to an almost fox-like extended trot. I'm psyched to realize my brother crows, as well, loudly appearing at several key points and emphasizing what seems like a solid point - Apparently Fluidity is something I have a distinct shortage of in my running form (how many times must Inflammation appear to me?) and their calls to relax, slow down, and re-engage the water element seem profoundly valid. Thanks, team...
