Run: Easy Previous Next


5:15 PM

4.1 mi


10:26 mi


164.2 lb


40 F


A great casual outing with M this afternoon, and another cool after-dark experience. While definitely a bit slower than our usual runs, it's actually really nice to stay at a relaxed and comfortable pace throughout, arriving at Foote Street breathing normally and feeling like I could carry on for another few dozen miles like this - Sensations to remember if our Winter marathon plans actually come to pass...

On reflection, too, my diet has definitely evolved to a place where running seems the focus - Today actually found my intake consisting of a pair of bananas early on, 5 apples for lunch, 4-ish spoonfuls of peanut butter throughout the day, and wrapping up the afternoon with a bottle each of Joint Juice and Myoplex before going out tonight. Cool to see...
