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8.1 mi

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Wow. Wow. Wow.

New respect for CT's third oldest race. Yes, the last hill is legendary (and I actually laughed out loud going up it), but the uphill from the 5k split (Wells Rd. 1.4 miles in) to mile 3 is no joke - at 9am facing full sun in late July will be awesome! The up after you re-hit Long Mt, also cruelly placed. Have to re-evaluate the goal here and make sure I know what I'm doing. Not to be taken lightly. Have a feeling my re-introduction to distance will be a bit baptism by fire.

Cadence from mile 4 to 5 had me singing Heaven Let Your Shine ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba - yeah! Random. That's the fast part following the river downhill. Nice rest after the initial push and before the PAIN!!!!

Cramped a little on the downhill. That downhill won't be fun. In fact, might have to practice that so don't get hurt.

Anyway, a little nervous about tackling the Shermanator tomorrow night after this, but...let's see what comes.

Nice Farmington River Blonde Ale to help the recovery, with some brats and tots. Good day.

MTA: been informed the title of the song is just "Shine" (collective soul). 1994 - the jukebox in my head is limited to 1990 - 1997 (everything is tuned down at least a half!)
