Run: Easy Previous Next


8:00 AM

5 mi


7:00 mi


No name


174.5 lb


60 F


4 / 10
8 / 10


Had to drive up to Estes Park this morning to deliver a hot water heater for my job. Thinking ahead, I threw by packpack of running stuff in the truck just in case I had some down time up there. I dropped off the hot water heater then went for a nice jog around the lake. It was so beautiful up there in the morning. After my run I went to my favorite coffee shop and had a cup of decaf and sat on the bench and watched the river roll by. I would have stayed up there all day had I not had to come back and teach at 11:00. I saw a big old buck while running around the lake. Nothing out of the ordinary up there but when you run by a giant elk it makes you feel kinda small. I'm a big fan of having 45 miles through 3 days and 55 miles through 5 days. I feel like I'm ready to race tomorrow. Should be nice to get the cobwebs out from not racing since the marathon.
