Eliptical: Active Rest - Z3 Previous Next




65.7 kg
158 bpm
168 bpm
41 bpm


23 C
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Left foot 3rd Metatarsal stress fracture day 39. First try on the eliptcal to test the foot but it was a no go, anything above 70 - 75 rpm and my foot went from being a little achy to almost painful, so l just had to take it steady (probably should of quit but wanted to check my foot some more). Heart rate was throught the roof; last time l did this routine my max heart rate was 150 bpm

Did 1 x Program 8 (until distance read 2850) - Would of liked my heart rate between 70% - 80% (144 - 159 bpm) HRR - Zone 3, but gave up on that.

Wore the Kalenji HRM

Resting HR 41 bpm last checked 13/07/2011.

Max HR 188 bpm, guestimation 205 - (age 44 / 2) + 5 bpm fudge factor
