Exercise Bike: Active Rest - Z2 Previous Next


28 km


16.15 mi / hr


65.7 kg
137 bpm
144 bpm
41 bpm


23 C
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My Garage


Left foot 3rd Metatarsal stress fracture day 39. Did my best just to keep my heart rate below 140 whilst trying to maintain pace. Heart rate way up today, maybe because its warm and l have just finished a workout on the the eliptical. Due to the high heart rate figures on the eliptical l wore both the Kalenji (decathlon brand) and the Garmin HRM's to see if there is much difference between the two. Both displayed about the same figures with the Kalenji display changing more often (going up and down). Overall the Kalenji gave me an average of 138 with a max of 145 one beat difference to the Garmin (however l trust the Garmin much more than the Kalenji as l have never had silly readings above 200 with the Garmin, had readings of 220 with the Kalenji)

Manual resistance set to 6/8 - trying to keep heart rate between 60% -70% (129 - 144 bpm) HRR - Zone 2.

Wore the Garmin HRM

Resting HR 41 bpm last checked 13/07/2011.

Max HR 188 bpm, guestimation 205 - (age 44 / 2) + 5 bpm fudge factor
