Eliptical: Active Rest - Z2 Previous Next


11:00 AM



65.5 kg
142 bpm
152 bpm
41 bpm


9 C
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Left ankle was achy this morning so no running today. Went on the eliptical with just a very mild ache in my ankle, wore the arch supports in my trainers. In keeping with my low heart rate / recovery runs l'm now trying to keep my heart rate on the eliptical at 70% - 144bpm HRR. I actually quite enjoyed using the eliptical today, same program just eased off on the RPM when my heart rate went above 144bpm.

Did 2 x Program 5 (until distance read 2000 each time) with a 1 min rest and wipe down in between each rep (rest time not included in duration).

Wore the Kalenji HRM

Resting HR 41bpm last checked 12/02/2011

Max HR 188bpm, guestimation 205 - (age 44 / 2) + 5bpm fudge factor
