Run: R - HR - Paced Previous Next


5:41 AM

3.5 mi


8:59 mi


72 kg
148 bpm
168 bpm
54 bpm


8 C
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Yet another week has gone by with no running due to either illness or ice and snow blocking the paths. This time out l'm not doing any sort of cross training just to see the effect, which thus far has been scary with my resting HR now at a high of 54 and no sign of my weight gain slowing down.

As a side note, l am loving the vapor gloves, wish l had got a pair sooner, so comfy, Less is More!

Recovery paced run - trying to keep HR < 141 bpm

Resting HR 54bpm last checked 26/01/2015

Max HR 185 bpm (guestimation) 15/05/2013
