Run: R - HR - Paced Previous Next


6:28 AM

2.7 mi


8:28 mi


70.5 kg
140 bpm
161 bpm
49 bpm


8 C
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Ongoing right leg proximal hamstring tendinopathy

Complete rebuild / restart - BSI proximal / base left 5th met (tuberosity)?

Foot seemed a little more achy than usual this morning

Need to slow down a bit more as my fitness as dropped even more, running feels harder than it should.

Resting HR is now 49 which has steadily increased from 39 to 49 over the last 10 -11 weeks since the low mileage.

Saw the doc yesterday and asked if my foot problem could be due to a subluxated cuboid and asked if he could pop it in to place i.e do the Cubiod Whip manoeuvre (l was hoping he would try as if it wasn't out of place it probably wouldn't hurt). However now he wants me to have an x-ray before he looks into other things; x-ray appointment on Tuesday.

Resting HR 49 bpm last checked (afternoon) 06/05/2017

Max HR 185 bpm (guestimation) 15/05/2013
