Run: Long Previous Next


11:00 AM

14.3 mi


9:10 mi


40 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


Happy with this run, considering the layoff. First real long run since the marathon, and it went ok. Never had a very fast pace going, but I got through the run pretty consistently, I definitely sped up on the way back, and I didn't feel too miserable at all during the run or afterwards. Splits: 1:07.14 out (took split just as I got out from under the beams on the Falls Bridge; this time includes the detour at 33rd and Chestnut where I ran up to Ludlow and back to cross the street); 1:03.54 in (this time includes the detour at the highway ramp on the way back, plus the extra bit between Chestnut and Walnut on the path). Took water every ~22-23 minutes and took GU every ~45 minutes (so twice). Very good run all things considered.
