Run: Long Previous Next


3:00 PM

16.4 mi


9:02 mi


55 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


Ok run. Never really got going at a good pace, because my legs were definitely feeling the full week of workouts. Leg quad especially was noticeable from the first step through the entire run, never really loosened up (and left knee felt off at times as well, probably from compensation). Right hamstring also twinged at one point when I tried to up the pace a little, but that didn't happen again. Map is slightly off -- ran on Spruce to 38th, then over to Chestnut, and on the way back ran from Chestnut/36 to Walnut/36 to Walnut/38 to Spruce/38, but none of that should change the distance at all. Splits: 1:03:10 to turn off Falls Bridge, 10:51.13 to turnaround, 11:29.00 back to bridge, 1:01:56 back to home.
