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13.1 mi


5:55 mi


Columbus Half. Started too far back and had to weave around people the first half mile. Was worried about 4 miles in because the pace started feeling very hot and I was getting minor side stitches. My hip was bothering me a good bit too and it pretty painful to walk now. There were a good amount of guys to run with or focus on which helped a ton. I underestimated how the hills would feel on tired legs. 400+ elevation gain is not super flat.

With all the being said, I was happy with my time and this is the type of shape that I'm in, which I'm not mad about. To get to this level after taking 7-8 months off last year and only being back at it for 10 months is encouraging. Splits in 6:01, 5:56, 5:48, 5:50, 5:51, 5:46, 5:58, 5:52, 5:45, 5:44, 5:48, 5:55 (uphill on high street), 5:35, 1:21 (garmin had 13.23)
