Run: Tempo Previous Next


4 mi


12:16 mi


178 bpm
189 bpm
  • Map



Goal today wasto keep my HR above the170s, but not too high above into the 190s - right at Zone 4. I started off with a 10 min warm-up fast walk. My first mile was 13:00 - a slow jog. Then I did the last 3 in 36:02 which is a dead even 12mm. I think it went well, although difficult to maintain speed at certain times. I was overtired which I'm sure factored in. I forgot to start the Garmin for the first mile soI just waited until the second mile to start it.

** Note that IMMEDIATELY after the run I came down with pretty bad diarrhea that lasted until 2 days later. I mustve been harboring something that decided to hit as soon as I was done working out (thank god!) but I also had small red bumps on me a day or two before this occured. Might be carrying a virus???? Might be why I struggled a little today.....or I was just bummed to be stuck on the TM at the gym!
