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2.6 mi

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first speedwork of the plan = total fail!! I did the warmup: 10 mins slow jog, which = 0.6 miles.

then I did the following splits:

1/4 speed

1/8 jog

rest 1 min

1/4 speed

1/8 jog

1 min rest

1/4 speed

1/8 jog

rest 1min

1/4 speed

slow jog for 2.0 miles

all of my splits were between 2:30 and 2:45 so I was right where I wanted to be. it was hard right from the beginning. I had forgotten how much these suck. by the last interval, I was begging for mercy, but completed it. however, due to time constraints, I could only cool down for 1/5 mile, not the required 2, which is pretty much the purpose of running speedwork and seeing how you can maintain distance after that, right? so I failed at that. and honestly, dunno if I would've even had been able to complete 2 miles after that - I was spent! we'll see what next week brings.
