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8 mi


13:38 mi


161 lb
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Holy shit! Never went this distance - EVER! Had a crappy weekend - I was supposed to do this run yesterday but was sick- had some diarrhea for a couple of days so everything got put on hold. I felt alot better today so I attempted the boardwalk while near Donna's. It went extremely well up until mile 6 - i was feeling great actually, but then I just started to tire out and had to really push myself to finish. DId run 2, walk 1 for almost the entire thing. Up until mile 4 I think my avg running pace was 12ish mm which I thought was great, but then I faded and started slogging along just to finish. No Gu today either. Breakfast was English Muffin with PB and raspberry preseves, soy milk and coffee. I ran approx 2 to 3 hours later and only brought Gatorade in a water bottle. Found some water fountains along the way that I stopped at a couple of times. All in all, I think the run went excellently, just hard at the end but thats to be expected, right? Absolutely no IT band pain or any other pains for that matter :)
