Bike: Long Previous Next


6:00 PM

83 km


27.31 km / hr


Surly Pacer


194 lb


23 C


9 / 10
8 / 10


This was my longest ride yet on my new bike. I was supposed to do it tomorrow, but we're taking the kids to Wonderland tomorrow, so I snuck it in tonight. My legs we're very tired by the end. I had to just work on keeping my legs spinning. I had very little power for hills at the end. I focussed on keeping my shoulders loose, which helped. My neck and shoulders didn't get sore until the last 20 km. The route should have been closer to 85 km, but I made 2 small navigational errors that shortened the route slightly. I went up 85 to Elmira, because I couldn't find the correct road. I also turned a bit too soon when on 86 and had to make a couple of turns to get to Crowsfoot road. There was also a bridge under construction on Floradale Road. I had to carry my bike over the bridge. There was a detour, but it was a dirt road, so I didn't want to take it.

average speed - 27.32 km/h

maximum speed - 54.84 km/h

average cadence - 96
