Run: Interval Previous Next


6:00 PM

7.1 mi


171 lb


1.6 m wu, 10 x 800 m (3:20, 3:20, 3:18, 3:14, 3:20, 3:20, 3:18, 3:20, 3:15, 3:12), 400 @ 1:33, .25 wd (The extra 400m at the end was because, after running 6 intervals, Lesley said she was stopping. I told her 7 was a lucky number and to run one more. She agreed to do 400 m + 10 yards more when I told her she could round up to 7. I also told her I would run 400 m extra + 10 yards after I ran 10 intervals so that we'd have the numbers 7 and 11 - two lucky numbers. Just trying to cheer her up with the tough year she's had). My left heel was really sore after the workout. Plantar fasciitis - I've been dealing with it for several months now. Sometime it really hurts, other times it's pretty bearable. Last night and this a.m. it really hurt. I felt strong in the running though. I could have run 5, maybe 10, more intervals at that pace last night - assuming the heel held up.
