Run: Long Previous Next


13 mi


7:47 mi


163 lb


68 F
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This was my best run in weeks. I pushed the hills in the first half of the run. I actually took a wrong turn and was totally lost, so I turned around at 6.5 and back tracked. I was running comfortably around 7:40 pace when at mile 7, I started to crash. My legs started to feel trashed. I wondered my myself, "i believe I has lost some fitness, but this much that I'm struggling this bad?' By mile 9 I was feeling dehydrated. Fortunately a half mile later I found a store and sucked down a large Gatorade. A few minutes later I felt so m much better and then i realized I was just dehydrated the entire time! I finished strong up the hilly 11-12th mile and did the last mile @ 7:27, the fastest I've gone since I hurt the hamstring. I was tight in the hammy and glut, but manageable. It will be interesting to see how the leg is tomorrow. My left inside knee was sore for most of the day after the run until it cleared up in the evening. It rained the first 8 miles and I loved it!
