Brooks Beast 2007 - silve/blue (retired)

Equipment Info
Activity: Run
Shoe size: 12.00 (US/Canada)
Total distance: 506.18 mi
Purchase date: 2/2/2009
Price: $120.00
Notes: 12EE. Purchased at Running Company. They gave 15% discount, and LI-COR reimbursed $20, so net was $82 plus tax. New shoes! Brooks Beast, 12EE. First impressions: Did not put spring in my step. Felt like I was pounding the pavement harder. They made my feet lean outward. Is that really a good thing? As I went on, muscles on the outsides of my legs were complaining. On the other hand, knees didn't seem to know whether to complain. Won't really know if knees are happy or not until I take a longer run, say 6 miles. If they are happy, then it may be worth it to retrain to these shoes.
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