Run: Long Previous Next


8:45 AM

22 mi


10:02 mi


45 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
  • Map


Part one was an LRC run. Ran from home, met Bernie, Ginger, Chris, and Todd at the Auld Center. We ran south at an easy, pleasant 10:nn pace. Todd turned around at Essex; we turned around at Old Cheney, and Chris continued southward for a ten miler. I had planned to turn around at Hwy. 2, but since the group wanted ot go on, I went with them. Once we reached the Auld parking lot, Ginger and Bernie (and I) walked to the north lot. I stopped in the restroom (necessary). Clock running during this break, and maybe shouldn't have been. Parted with G&B and ran up Sumner. Woman pushing stroller kept up with me :) Stopped at an intersection and chatted with her. She's doing the half, but hopes to do the full when less occupied with babies.

Pit stop at home (clock stopped): Bathroom, ate three fig newtons, drank some water.

Parts two, three: By the time I was up at Holmes lake, my feet and ankles were complaining - more than expected. Passed a slower woman on the north shore trail. Dog run lot was completely full. Weather is beckoning. The nice weather persuaded me to take the south shore (another of the ad libs). Passed the same woman on this trail.

By this time, I had decided not to go home for a second pit stop. The south shore option added enough mileage that I didn't need the mile and a half up 52nd, so I stayed on the trail to run leg three. Had the hyena serenade again at the zoo.

I was feeling tired, and wasn't completely certain I wouldn't bonk on the J Street hills. I was getting anxious to be done, but didn't feel dead; maintained pace pretty well to the very end. Successful run. Post-run, tired, somewhat dehydrated, somewhat famished. Feel more confident about the race.
