Run: Hill Previous Next


4:00 PM

10 mi


7:12 mi


70 F


6 / 10
6 / 10
  • Map


Back to Mount Trashmore to get some elevation, this time with Drew and a 2/3rd mile warm-up as we parked further away. We went up the longer way which isn't so great with 2 people, while the trail is wide enough, only 1 person usually isn't on a severe slant.

Back to the bottom and now for repeats of the steeper gravel incline. No plan other than to work harder each rep. This is .6 of a mile and I didn't take splits but here are the strava segments (which were likely slightly short where we started and ended):

4:19, 4:16, 4:08, 3:59, 3:50 (1st at 7:13 pace, last at 6:24)

The first 2 were fairly casual and getting used to the incline with the 3rd being a little more effort. Then on the 4th rep, we started about 15sec behind another fit-ish looking young guy and adrenaline took over. He actually told us he wanted to see how long he could go our pace which was fun encouraging and tracking him. And the last rep was the last rep, I stepped up the pace early and it was difficult. Though I still think I could have done another faster. On our final trip down the dirt path side, a hawk was just standing on the side of the trail and didn't even move when we passed, weird.

Good effort, hopefully not putting too much on my body before leaving for Colorado as my knee and achilles are now tender.
