Run: Hilly Previous Next


7:00 AM

7 mi


9:56 mi


50 F


2 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map


I wasn't planning on making it to the morning run but then Nessa woke me up at 6:30. Still, I went back to bed after letting her pee. I'd given up on it as I thought of other running plans. Realizing the group run was my only motivation, I checked the time again and somehow it was only 6:40. I rushed out the door only to see Kim and Balto. Solo, Elise, Odin, and Yarrow eventually showed up and we decided on Palisades.

I led through Palisades slowly and Kim and I planned on continuing to Van Peenan. No one else was sure about that but 1 by 1 they committed to more miles. Part of the deal was letting Yarrow lead (though I don't think she went much slower than I).
