Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:00 AM

11.5 mi


7:29 mi


5 F


5 / 10
3 / 10
  • Map

La Crosse


Apparently I underestimated the power of less than 1 inch of snow. Or more likely, the sidewalks already weren't great with some snow cover and this just added a slick layer to it. I still did a workout, but my hopes of it being fast were forgotten.

2 miles, then 4 miles of 1min tempo, 1min rest, just to get some leg turnover. I couldn't even get 1 under 6min pace. But the legs did turnover a little and the miles went by fast (although I only did 3.5 miles since I was going slow and my repeats # were predetermined).

2 more miles where I went north to the marsh in hopes of better footing. And after circling a bathroom for 6 miles, I finally decided I wanted one at the exact moment I was furthest away from one. Figures. But since no one is dumb enough to be outside in these conditions, I was able to relieve myself in a copse of trees (and I'm lying, I did see 3 people out walking just 10 minutes later).

Next up was 2 miles straight of tempo. I got going strong and was working for it, but somewhere along the line I got lost in my thoughts and complacent with my pace. I woke out of it and got going again but the rep was basically over. Nearly 2 miles back to the house to make it a longer run than I had time for as I mistimed some u-turns. Regardless of the footing, just not looking at my watch had several repercussions on this run.
