Run: Long Previous Next


4:30 PM

12 mi


7:13 mi


50 F


4 / 10
3 / 10
  • Map


Drew was sick then Helix called as I was driving to say Reese was sick. I opted to drive home and run from there with my headphones as company (I even had a thought leaving the house that maybe I should grab my headphones. I did a gravel route that I've only done a few times (not the one with bitey dogs). My miles were apparently much slower than I thought.

After about 8 miles, I did 20 min at a hard effort, which I interpreted to be about tempo. I got about 3.3 miles in. 1st mile smooth in about 6min, 2nd mile had more uphills and was slower, 3rd mile was a mix. Averaged just over 6min pace.
