Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:30 PM

8 mi


6:38 mi


153 lb


70 F


6 / 10
6 / 10
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I had planned a workout for today then started thinking about putting it off another day, but then I got home and found my temporarily missing watch, and decided that was good enough reason to do it.

The plan was to go for a FKT on Denmans, which was probably dumb as that's about 5 miles as that would be the same distances I went hard the past 2 days. Then I started my workout at least at tempo pace (probably faster), and of course no one wants to slow down during a tempo so I just kept at it. I was breathing pretty hard at several points but just kept at it and finished feeling strong. Official time from entrance to exit: 25:11. Unofficial distance: 4.4 miles about 5:45 pace.

I think this was a good tuneup for my 25k this weekend, though I'll be running slower than this. This might be the hardest 3 consecutive runs I've had in a long time.

**EDIT** I went back and checked my 'Effort Rating' for all my RunningAhead entries and aggregated 3 day totals. Looks like this is a close 2nd to my hardest 3 consecutive runs. The winner goes to March 21, 2011. For those who don't remember, this was Spring Break in Santa Fe. I was not in great shape, running 3 90mile weeks in a row, not used to altitude, and was running hard trails with guys still in college - so that would explain why each day was tough. However, none of those days were races or even workouts (one was a 17 mile long run), so maybe I could make the claim the past 3 days were harder.
