Run: Hilly Previous Next


7:30 AM

6.5 mi


9:10 mi


65 F


4 / 10
4 / 10


Camping in Backbone State Park, I've been here briefly before, but only to check out the climbing. The surprise here was how difficult the trails were. It was hillier than expected (I knew the area was hilly, but figured that it would be flat around the lake where most of the trail was). But mostly the hills were steep and rough footing. I greatly enjoyed myself until the final 1/2 mile when I finally found a trail that wasn't obvious where to go. I chose wrong, backtracked, chose wrong again. At this point I was getting to being gone over an hour and I could see tents in the distance. So I did the dumb thing and bushwhacked through to where I knew the trail had to be. I found it, it only cost me lots of nettle scratches and burrs.
