Climbing: Outdoor Previous Next


6:00 AM

120 m


0.02 mi / hr


160 lb


80 F


5 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


The Durrance! This the classic climb up the tower apparently (I guess I didn't mention that we didn't reach the summit yesterday). With a 4:30 am wake-up, we still didn't need headlamps on the approach but we still weren't the first ones to the base of the climb. Thankfully they moved quick and we never waited after that.

Pitch "0": The approach pitch, a nice warm-up.

Pitch 1: Leaning column. Some fun off-width on a forgiving angle.

Pitch 2: Durrance Crack: This crack fit my style of crack climbing, solid hands and stemming!

Pitch 3: Cussin' Crack: Very short pitch that I happily didn't get stuck on (off-width and backpacks shouldn't mix)

Pitch 4: Flake Crack: I could tell my climbing partners were getting tired so I led this one :). Or it was the easiest pitch. This short pitch had many good stances for me to place gear and did pretty well other than using the flake. If anything it was too easy and I didn't feel the need for much protection. I did mess up the belay though :(

Pitch 5: Chockstone Crack: Another off-width.

Pitch 6: Bailey's Direct: Don't remember much about this one, must have been pretty easy and exciting to top out on my first real multi-pitch.

Great day of climbing, if not a bit below all our abilities. We were quite a bit above ground and sometimes truly dependent on the anchors, but so far I have no problem with the heights. Which of course makes you want to climb bigger things! Repelling is annoying though, takes some time.


Emma Spoon

You're too hard on yourself! I bet there are few, if any, climbers who can say that their second lead ever (and first lead with any exposure!) was on Devils Tower. It'll be great when we can get you more leading on challenging routes.


Thanks Emma, I just need to find another time to visit you guys.