Run: Long Previous Next


8:00 AM

14 mi


7:48 mi


65 F


5 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map


Doubling and Thorsday started it, but today really began headwaters training. A long run with hills was the plan, as a bonus i got similar weather (sunny and not that humid).

I was unsure upon waking if I'd do the long run or push it off to Sunday. My back was aching and I was concerned about having had pizza last night. Once out of bed, though, I started feeling better and figured I'd just get on with it.

I was going to get a few miles of flat to warm up. Then, just a mile in, I realized that I needed a bathroom. So back to mount trashmore, bathroom, and up I go. The first climb was up and down the hiker trail, but it was so packed I just said screw it and kept to the gravel road after that. The goal was to stay aerobic on the climbs, which meant > 8min pace.

The first 4 were tepid, I was concerned with over-exerting myself and not even getting the long run in. My legs got tight on the 4th but relaxed again. The next 3 were slightly faster, certainly bordering on above aerobic. I had thoughts of really pushing a couple of the climbs, that never materialized. It seemed like I felt good at the top of each climb, but by the time I started a new one, I wasn't willing to push it. The 8th and final climb was slightly faster.

About 2 miles to finish the run. Part of which I cruised. Day: success.
