Run: Distance Previous Next


7:30 AM

8 mi


7:30 mi


65 F


4 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map



Morning run but getting warmer. I found shade and then the clouds came in to make this a comfortable run. Today was my first foray into some sprints, slightly faster than strides. 100m in length, appx, and went faster than mile pace. Got 4 in that felt fine. Before the 5th I felt my hamstrings feeling slightly tight and felt no reason to do 1 final sprint. Easy back and came across a committee (I looked it up) of turkey vultures hanging out on the ground. I'd never seen so many together. Actually not even sure I've seen 1 on the ground before. I thought they were geese. There was also 1 lording over the committee up on a soccer goal post, that seemed fitting.
