Run: Hilly Previous Next


10:00 AM

7.5 mi


8:40 mi


75 F


4 / 10
5 / 10
  • Map

Beverly Park


Saturday off again but not Sunday this week. The rains held off so I took a trip to Beverly. I thought it would be a sweat fest but the clouds kept the sun from getting this day as hot as forecast a d the humidity was management. The only trouble I had was several ankle twists, none serious. I guess that's what I get from switching from trail shoes to super thick cushioning.

I was feeling quite good and thought I'd go for a couple short segments. The first was awkward as if my legs didn't remember how to go fast. The second was smoother. My memory was poor though as I apparently already had the first segment and the second wasn't even on the right part of the trail.
