Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:00 AM

6 mi


7:25 mi


45 F


6 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map



I dropped the car off downtown to get an oil leak checked out and ran home from there. It was over a mile to get to the MKT and about 2.5 miles before starting my workout: 4 x 3min. The 1st and 3rd got faster throughout while the I slowed during the 2nd and 4th (neither intentional).

Everything was about 6min pace, with a bit faster on the last as I chased a guy (I tried to avoid passing him and I didn't, but I felt a bit douchy as earlier in the run I also started my workout right after a woman started running behind me). As my workout distance increases, I'm a bit unsure what pace I should be going.
