Run: Long Previous Next


6:00 AM

20 mi


7:00 mi


70 F


7 / 10
7 / 10


My long run was supposed to be Saturday and that was even the plan Thursday night as my back did not like the drive back to Ankeny. Then I woke up even earlier than normal on Friday and it was overcast at the moment (and it was a day off from work). So I went for it.

I deserted my loop plan when I couldn't easily find a way to make it work. That meant an out-and-back on the bike path. There were a lot of early-riser-bikers out. I tried to just stay easy and grabbed water at 6 miles (which seemed way too long to get there).

By my 10mile turnaround, my quads were already feeling overworked but otherwise feeling good. I started getting under 7min pace but the plan was to stay easy until after 15miles or so. The sun started popping out but I'd soon be back in the shade. I stopped for raisins and water at 14miles.

Mile 15 was a slower uphill mile before my pace started to creep down to 6:40. A stop at a highway crossing stalled my progress a tad. Thankfully I was still feeling good and started rolling again. On the 18th mile, I got an adrenaline boost from holding off a couple of bikers which brought my pace to the low 6's. I kept the heat on and my last 2 miles were 6:09 and 5:52. And while I was happy to stop, I also was ready to go further.

And with that final fast mile, I just edged under 7min pace for the whole run.

Longest since 2017.



Damn! 20 impressive 20 miler. That is a sweet run!