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7:00 AM

8 mi


7:45 mi


60 F


7 / 10
5 / 10
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Back to the track on a warm and sunny morn. It didn't feel all that hot though and the wind also wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. The plan was 800's in 2:50, 90sec recovery. 2 mile warm-up where I found 2 stray tennis balls (I carried them a mile to give to Nessa) and a bathroom break which I wasn't sure if it was needed or unnecessary. Switched to supershoes for the workout.

1&2) Both in 2:51, pace felt easy but overall I felt unsure.

3) 2:48, not really sure how that was faster as my mid-rep splits seemed the same.

4) ?, I messed up my button press but I believe I got the first 400 in 1:24. Not feeling great about doing 4 more.

5) 2:49, my brain fizzled on this one. I second guessed my goals as I was tired and the splits seemed wrong. Was I shooting for 2:50 per 800 or 5:50 pace? Eventually I figured out the math in my head and continued with the plan of 800's in 2:50.

6-8) 2:48-2:49 for each. I wasn't feeling better than before but I wasn't feeling worse and was confident of finishing 8. I tried to slow back to 2:50 for the last 2 but that didn't change much.

Finished with 4x200. It was suppose to be a cutdown starting slower than mile pace and finishing faster. That kind of worked other than the first rep, 38, 39, 38, 36. I switched to my flats for these and they did not feel as easy. Glad to get through the workout.

As for the recovery week, I'm not sure I accomplished that. While my miles were down appropriately, I may have had my 2 hardest efforts of the season with today and Thursday's race. So the week's effort looks to be about the same. There are definitely a few injury concerns after both efforts.



Did you end up doing 8 or 9 reps? Looks like a pretty solid workout considering we were only doing 2:45ish a couple of years ago. How was your recovery compared to the normal prologue workout.


Whoops, I put 7-9 instead of 6-8.

90sec recovery. But yeah, it's basically an easier prologue.