Bike: Easy Previous Next


9:30 AM


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Great bike ride today. Biked pretty fast cause ive havent been doing anything for so long so it felt good to move the legs fast again. Biked past the spot where I got hit by a car last year and did not get hit by a car so thats always good news.

Since I haven't logged in a week and a lot of stuff has happened, heres a summary

-watched a live stream of Thomas by the alma mater

-had my mom give me a haircut and cut my dads hair. Considering Ive never watched a boys hair be cut it did not go well so he wears hats to work now

-got sunburned twice

-had some ants come into my room because my sister shot an bow and arrow through the screen of my window

-forgot to register for classes at my time ticket and my dad happened to ask when I was supposed to do that 7.5 hours later. So story short i almost didnt register for classes lol

-built lion on minecraft

-found two baby squirrels that were following us and this family that was taking a walk past our house around. We called a wildlife place and they said since they were following us (and climbed my moms leg) they were orphaned. So we named them rocket and sandy and took them into our house for the night and then drove them to a wildlife rescue center and the lady said they were ~6 weeks old and were so thin they were probably on their own for 4 days. She is gonna raise them for a couple months and then release them to the wild and keep us updated on them
