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9:05 AM

8.7 mi


12.87 mi / hr

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Nice bike ride on a little cold, very windy, but gorgeous morning. I like biking fast I think the last time I went zoom was when it was 30° windy and drizzling/snowing after post long run family brunch and me and thomas were trying to zoom back to far/par cause it was freezing. I got to hand it to you sub 5 milers though, I was going at like 4:40 pace for this and I was biking up a hill straight into the wind and I could barely breathe the wind was coming so hard and I was moving fast so idk how you guys deal with that while youre running.

Took my psyc final yesterday and I needed a 53/60 to keep my A- and I got a 52/60 so thats fun. I dont like asking for a grade round up but I had to this time lol.

Had some cool drifts this bike ride
