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4:15 PM

0.1 mi

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Well ladies it's unfortunately here, the end of the season. After each season i like to review what went good for me and what went bad so i thought id post it here.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with my season its the best one ive had I believe since I got hurt (for those of you who dont know I broke my foot junior year and was out 3 months) and its the healthiest Ive felt after a season since probably freshman year of high school. The training really worked for me (shoutout to Josh) and as far as the actual running itself goes there are very few things I would do differently. My form is still kinda a mess, but we are making improvements and when I get some shorter distance training during track that will be a good time to focus on that kind of stuff.

As far as stuff that needs improvement for me goes ill start with the most obvious one: I need to stop falling of my gosh darn bike. It will be more of a challenge this winter to bike around an icy campus so at some point I might just have to give in and start taking the bus. The good news is that none of my minor injuries this season are from the training, just from me being an idiot lol. I also think I need to do a better job of rolling out my calves cause they did start getting tighter towards the end of the season. This will be more important during track cause its a much longer season and speed work tends to flare up my shin splints more than distance work does. Also I have to work on tying my shoes tighter when i am racing.

Moving forward, now that I got most of the freshman confusion out of the way, one of my goals for track season is gonna definitely be to be more of a leader on the team, cause who says freshman cant be leaders? As much as I love the freshman ignorance, I do miss being a leader so i am gonna make an effort to do so while still being an ignorant freshman during track. I also want to learn more people's names that's something that has always been important to me and had kinda fell through the lines for a while for me at the beginning of the season as far as the names of the guys

Thank you guys for an awesome season, i had a ton of fun this season and at nationals. Being a top 7 runner as a freshman is a new concept for me so it was fun to be able to be in that spot quickly. I love you all and thanks for being awesome teammates, now lets go kill it during track


Lauren Bartels

I'm so glad to have you as a teammate and it was so fun to watch you run this season! Also keep riding your bike WITH HANDS and be careful on the ice, or just take the bus


"who says freshman cant be leaders" I love it. Go gettem