Run: Easy Previous Next


4 mi


13:31 mi


228 lb
153 bpm


65 F


8 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map



1 12:30 12'30"/mi 145bpm

2 26:13 13'43"/mi 149bpm

3 41:00 14'47"/mi 153bpm

4 54:01 13'01"/mi 163bpm

Was a very difficult 4 miles. First mile was wonderful. Then it all went downhill. I was able to keep going but did have to take a few walk breaks to catch my breath. I felt like my heartrate was way to high for as fast as I was going and therefore I don't think I was able to pace myself well. I have not been feelilng good and wonder if that has something to do with it.

Last mile was fantastic too, in fact heart rate was 155ish the entire last mile and I felt better than I had at anypoint earlier. I took a half a GU at mile 3 so that could have helped.

I also ran 2 hours later than normal due to being home today. Was nice to sleep in but since I run on an empty stomach (I know I need to try and figure this out but everytime I eat I have the worst stomach cramps and makes it even harder) I think the 2 hours made it a bit worse too.

Had chocolate milk recovery and caused stomach cramps again. This is last time and I will move away from the sugar/dairy for good. :-(

Really worried if 4 is this hard how am I going to handle 13 in a week. :-(
