Run: Easy Previous Next


9.5 mi


13:56 mi


226 lb
146 bpm


60 F


5 / 10
8 / 10
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2:12:29 Avg HR

Was only able to complete 9.5 due to appointment and it didnt get light enough early enough to run in wooded trails.

Miles 4.5-7.5 AMAZING! Really felt in a good groove and enjoyed the run. There were a lot of roots and a lot of spider webs I wasnt excited about so ran a bit through the college grounds and on bike trails after I twisted ankle a bit on root.

Felt pretty strong. This weeks mileage is at 24.5 with last weeks and highest ever at 17.5. While I was not happy I couldnt finish the 11. I was proud when I thought about that alone!

Looking forward to massage at noon today and taking it easy.

Lost 3.4 pounds this week as well and VERY happy with that!
