Run: Easy Previous Next


7:55 PM

5.2 mi


7:31 mi


52 F


5 / 10
5 / 10
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<No name>


Well I felt good for the most part, but this loop was a tail of ups and downs. I hit two miles at about 14:02 and was thinking to myself, What the fuck? I'm in elevation, I shouldn't be going this fast.' Then I realized oh yeah, it's all been downhill. Then the next mile was even more of a downhill. I kept thinking, This isn't going to end well. What goes up, must come down.' Then the gradual uphill started to hit and the rest was uphill. So I basically ran the last 3.22 miles in 25:08 (7:48 pace). And really, the last two in about 18:00 or so. Who knows, but the beginning was easy and the end kicked my ass. Loop started at 4,820 feet or so and got down to 4,490 at about 2.8 miles, then gradually got back up to 4,820. 13 days in a row.
