Run: Medium Building Previous Next


5:30 AM

14.1 mi


6:11 mi


146.2 lb


58 F


9 / 10
9 / 10
  • Map

Random Route


I fell back asleep after my alarm woke me up at 4:45 and jumped out of bed at 5:00 scrambling to get out the door and not be late. I drove like a crazy man and got to NCC in time. We had a good group with Weigel, BS and Henz there. We headed East and it starting raining about 15 minutes in. I stopped for a quick pee by some bushes. As I finished, some guy running up in the same direction starts yelling out "Hey! Hey stop! I'm talking to you!" I yelled back "What do you need? No, I'm going to keep going." This seemed to anger him and he yelled out "Criminal!" I guess he's never seen another guy stop to take a leek in some bushes. It's not as if I was waving my penis around in front of a bunch of kids or something. I thought it was pretty funny and made that part of the run more interesting. As we got near the hill, Weigel suggested we do 2, so we went over and did just that. We did the typical road hill and 4 mile tempo back to NCC. Weigel and Henz were watching the times and said they were about 5:50, 5:45, 5:30 and 5:20 downhill on the last. I was just damn impressed with Weigel staying right with us the whole way as he's still just getting back into shape. That was an impressive display of toughness as he pushed through. We added on backward morning run, hoping to meet up with the team, but they weren't there. I continued my criminal ways by taking a dump in the woods and felt much better after.
