Run: Long Previous Next


16.4 mi


6:25 mi


146.8 lb


50 F


8 / 10
7 / 10
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I really felt like ass out there this morning. Ran with Henz, BS, Greg, Reggie and a couple guys from the team to start. At about 70 the pace picked up and I dropped back . Shortly after, my right hamstring really tightened up and I was limping and just trying to make it back to NCC without it getting much worse. About the last mile back to the field house, it loosened up a little and I actually caught back up to Greg by the very end and we met up with Henz, who took a little longer route. I was going to stop when we got back and it would have been 95 minutes. Greg and Henz decided to add on to get 1:45. After they got 100 yards or so away, I changed my mind and decided to go with them. I finally caught and and we all got 1:45. It was much more satisfying to drive home having gotten 1:45 than it would have been to limp in and end at just 95 on this beautiful morning. Hopefully, I can keep this going without hurting the legs any more.
