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10:20 AM

11.1 mi


6:45 mi


159 bpm
182 bpm
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Haven't done any LT work in over a month, but have been pretty excited to get back into it now. Was hoping to do a straight cruise workout, but there are no tracks in Orillia anymore. Decided on a 5,5 yo-yo kind of like the one I did up here in late May. But that was a big mistake. Or more likely it was a pace target mistake. Weather was hot and perhaps I underestimated the effect of not doing these runs lately. Sub 6 pace was immediately very very hard, but I didn't have the smarts to dial it back. Last summer I did really well at running LT work at whatever pace got the volume and feeling I wanted. Need to get back in that mindset. Comparing HR data to that May workout is instructive.

After the 4th hard rep I had to pull up and was basically doubled over. I was also 3 miles from home. Scrapped the last rep. Took a few minutes and jogged home. I also came back via Canice and Borland which caused me to stop one more time.

Still, maybe it's a fine reintroduction. Just need to make sure the elevated effort doesn't cause lingering fatigue. It's too early to get in any kind of sustained debt. There'll be time for that later!
