Run: Tempo Previous Next


1:00 PM

5000 m


5:53 mi


168 bpm
179 bpm
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A total disaster... sort of. I'd planned to do 7 x 400m with the first one at 80 as an ease in, and then to go 71-73 for the rest.

Well, I did the whole run continuously so I ran 4 miles to the MIT track and then start right in and ran 77 high for the first one. But then without thinking I jogged 200m in 55 and ramped it back up. I never got down in the range I wanted to, but almost surely this was because I kept doing the 200s at 55-60, which made the whole thing way more aerobic than I wanted. Why I didn't stop and do the thing I wanted to do I have no idea. By half way through the workout I was thinking this was more like a Deek workout. When I finished up at 4k I'd planned to go straight into the cool down so I kept jogging around the track, but after 50m I decided to make it another 200m recovery and finish off the Deek session. It was weird. I was also toast by the end. Started 77 and finished 77 and even the 200 coda was 39.

After the Deek session in 18:15 (which is slow because I normally do them closer to 80/50) I went right into the cool down, so the whole 10 miles was continuous except from a few streetlights. I did this Sunday night too, just put a tempo run into a 10 mile run. I like that sort of stuff this time of year.
