Bike: Easy Previous Next


2 mi


8.76 mi / hr

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<No name>


biked today because I still had some pain. Also turns out my bike doesn't work as great as I thought it did haha. When I go to switch gears, they don't actually change until a few minutes later and it's always at a moment when I'm not expecting it so it's quite the surprise when that happens. But it gets me from point A to point B so that's all that really matters!

Also LAST DAY OF WORK! (for awhile at least). I was thinking about maybe working one more week, but then I had a pretty crappy day and that was my sign to be done until Thanksgiving break. The manager sent me back to the meat department to help. Being a vegetarian, can't say I was too thrilled about that. But, I can say I've been in every department of Hyvee now, except for the Bakery (which sounds super exciting but I guess probably a good thing because I would definitely eat most of the food there).
