Run: Tempo Previous Next


8:14 AM

4 mi


5:21 mi


150 bpm
177 bpm
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Supposed to be 4 mile tempo, 1k jog, 2x3 mile tempo interval w/ 800m jog

4 mile tempo: 5:09, 5:14, 5:14, 5:39

Woke up feeling pretty blah. It was upper 70s and humid as hell with a pretty strong wind out of the west too which I knew would make this tougher. Got out okay on the first mile with the wind and felt decent running 5:09, was hoping I could average 5:10 for the 4 mile tempo portion. Worked way too hard going into the wind on the second mile for a 5:14, but expected to be able to be back in the 5:0x's for the 3rd mile with the wind again. The 3rd mile was a struggle then the 4th mile back into the wind I was just fried. There was no point in grinding out crappy splits after that so just called it there and cooled down. My legs just had nothing in them for going fast today

I think I might have been dehydrated going into this, and that combined with the warm temps and humidity made for a disaster of a day. I can't remember the last time I had a workout go this bad and have to DNF it, I don't think I have had one like this in 2019 at least. Oh well, I've run well under 70 minute half pace for 12 and 13 mile workouts the last couple weeks, so I know I'm fit as hell and just need to get my legs feeling good again for the HM on Sunday
