Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:12 AM

10 mi


5:33 mi


159 bpm
174 bpm
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4mi tempo, 3mi tempo, 2mi tempo w/ .5mi recovery jogs

21:22 (5:23, 5:19, 5:21, 5:17)

15:56 (5:18, 5:18, 5:19)

10:35 (5:18, 5:17)

Day 1 back with Coach Ives and getting thrown in the deep end lol. Happy to have Gray's Lake back for workouts as I like doing them there better than Waterworks for the repeat stuff. Felt pretty solid this morning.... just wanted to try to keep the hard intervals around 5:25 and I was able to do quite a bit better than that. Averaging just under 5:20 pace for the 9 hard miles is encouraging given that I'm kinda fat right now and don't feel fit at all
