Run: Tempo Previous Next


7:43 AM

6.7 mi


5:35 mi


177 bpm
191 bpm


58 F
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4 mile tempo + 1k jog + 4× 2:00 on, 1:00 off

4 mi tempo in 20:38 (5:11, 5:09, 5:08, 5:08)

2:00 rep paces: 4:50, 4:52, 4:53, 4:53

Surprised myself on the 4 mile tempo. I thought I'd maybe break 21:00 on a good day, but was well under that! I got out well the first mile and was hovering around 5:10 pace and it was feeling pretty good. Just tried to keep the pace there and held steady for the 2nd and 3rd miles. The 4th mile was a lot harder than the first 3 and I had to work pretty hard to keep the pace the same, managed to pull it out though.

Definitely underestimated the 2:00 reps tho, I thought those would be pretty easy to knock out once I finished the tempo but they were really tough. I didn't feel like I was running all out, but I felt pretty dead and it was hard to keep these around 4:50 pace. I was supposed to run 5 x 2:00 reps but I felt like I was red lining a bit too much on the 4th one so I just stopped after that. Got a little over 6 weeks before I need to run a 5k hopefully quite a bit faster than this pace.

Might have cooked myself a little too much on the tempo, but it felt good and I got a little excited at seeing 5:0x for a tempo again after months of struggling to run under 5:20s for tempos. Overall though a beautiful morning and a really solid workout
