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11:54 AM



156 lb
92 bpm
120 bpm
54 bpm


5 / 10
10 / 10
  • Exercises


Shalane kettlebell-I love this workout & went up to 15 lbs so one set was enough! I had started the Stability Routine, Day 1, when a student worker came over and told me I couldn't be there in jeans, so I thanked her and left (there's a long story as to why I was wearing jeans). According to Whoop, my recovery is low today with HRV down to 44, in spite of sleeping well. It gave this workout a 4.2 Strain Score and said I got my HR up higher than usual in a weights session.

Both knees still bother me a little and I'm puzzled. Going to call the acupuncture doc.
